Our goal here is simply to talk about the spiritual life from a Carmelite perspective - something that we already do in the monastery on a regular basis. Through this podcast, we hope to open the conversation up for you to listen and join in. We’re by no means experts on these topics, but we believe that our Carmelite tradition and saints have a lot to offer to those seeking to grow closer to God.
The Meaning Behind St. Therese's "Everything is a grace"
ICS Publications
St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s life reminds us that everything is grace, even in moments of suffering or deprivation. Her profound Eucharistic spirituality teaches us how to trust in God’s love, offering our lives to Him with confidence and humility. As we journey through Advent, her “Little Way” inspires us to await Christ’s coming with hope, knowing that His grace transforms all things. At Christmas, we celebrate the ultimate gift of grace: God made flesh, dwelling among us.
This video is for the third week of Advent and accompanies an online retreat:
Presenter: Br. Isaiah of the Holy Face, O.C.D.
Voiceover for St. Therese: Emma Self